I have been doing bible studies with Jehovah's Witnesses for about an hour every Monday. My aunty used to be a Jehovah's Witness. So I went to do the studies to get closer to my aunty. She has now passed away, she was married and they are good people so I thought I would do some bible studies with them. I found out I might have a daughter or a son, she's an aboriginal girl. Now her ex boyfriend has got my kid. I would like to know what he is doing with my kid because she is not with him any more because she does not have custody of my kid. She left me because of the accident when I got bashed by the 17 year old kids. I would like to know if she will ever tell me if the kid is mine? I asked my angels "why is this happening to me?", they reckon "What happens if we told you that Captain Cook came and had a look, liked Australia and he accused the aboriginal people of killing 2000 aboriginals and put them on child molesters". Why do I have to put up with all this nonsense?
The last time I saw my ex girlfriend was 6 years ago and now my kid would be 5 years old. They all say the baby looks like me and her mum.
Any religion that means well I am happy to hear what they have to say and none have failed me. I am trying to help an aboriginal and a maori girl but I will tell you more about that another day.
They are cutting the speed with ice at the moment so you get a quarter of the withdrawals than you would get off ice.
Thank you readers.