You're not allowed to smoke in front of other people in pubs, why do we smoke in public in front of children? There should be a ban not to smoke in front of children. Alcohol and cigarette packets, I think there should be warnings on them not to drink or smoke for more than three days or you're a dick head. That's the true statistics. I can't be fairer than that. I think if you want babies in the world you should pay to have a baby, you can bring it up on debate. You should pay to have a baby so then you can afford to have a children. I don't think I have a child in the world...yet.
Thank you.
Sunday, 6 September 2015
Sunday, 30 August 2015
I have been doing bible studies with Jehovah's Witnesses for about an hour every Monday. My aunty used to be a Jehovah's Witness. So I went to do the studies to get closer to my aunty. She has now passed away, she was married and they are good people so I thought I would do some bible studies with them. I found out I might have a daughter or a son, she's an aboriginal girl. Now her ex boyfriend has got my kid. I would like to know what he is doing with my kid because she is not with him any more because she does not have custody of my kid. She left me because of the accident when I got bashed by the 17 year old kids. I would like to know if she will ever tell me if the kid is mine? I asked my angels "why is this happening to me?", they reckon "What happens if we told you that Captain Cook came and had a look, liked Australia and he accused the aboriginal people of killing 2000 aboriginals and put them on child molesters". Why do I have to put up with all this nonsense?
The last time I saw my ex girlfriend was 6 years ago and now my kid would be 5 years old. They all say the baby looks like me and her mum.
Any religion that means well I am happy to hear what they have to say and none have failed me. I am trying to help an aboriginal and a maori girl but I will tell you more about that another day.
They are cutting the speed with ice at the moment so you get a quarter of the withdrawals than you would get off ice.
Thank you readers.

The last time I saw my ex girlfriend was 6 years ago and now my kid would be 5 years old. They all say the baby looks like me and her mum.
Any religion that means well I am happy to hear what they have to say and none have failed me. I am trying to help an aboriginal and a maori girl but I will tell you more about that another day.
They are cutting the speed with ice at the moment so you get a quarter of the withdrawals than you would get off ice.
Thank you readers.
Sunday, 16 August 2015
Rip Off!
When I was incarcerated the police had us under surveillance and Karl William's case was just happening. And they had us all talking in their cells. I used to play my music. I used to be a station hopper. Now all my music is played by Gold FM because the police showed Gold FM my music, I think so. Cause they play all the music I like that I used to play.
I think they paparazzi should stand back from the Royal Family's children so they can grow up and be proper Royal Family. Not like Lady Dianna how she passed away.
That's all I have to say about this, thank you very much.
My favourite musician is Bob Marley he plays good music, you can listen to him on Gold FM.
I think they paparazzi should stand back from the Royal Family's children so they can grow up and be proper Royal Family. Not like Lady Dianna how she passed away.
That's all I have to say about this, thank you very much.
My favourite musician is Bob Marley he plays good music, you can listen to him on Gold FM.
Sunday, 2 August 2015
You Inherited
You Inherited.
As I said in my blog about this, one being Muslims, one being Catholic, one being Asian dragons, Buddha, and Hindu. They're all the Gods that we know of. If the majority of people around an area believe in something, they'll get it. That's why we have the younger ones like we have, but then there's me who explains all about life and death, but there is only one God and I'm here to explain it. How do you tell people you inherited the world? That's why I'm here - to explain. Like psychics - they predict the future and Nostradamus.

As I said in my blog about this, one being Muslims, one being Catholic, one being Asian dragons, Buddha, and Hindu. They're all the Gods that we know of. If the majority of people around an area believe in something, they'll get it. That's why we have the younger ones like we have, but then there's me who explains all about life and death, but there is only one God and I'm here to explain it. How do you tell people you inherited the world? That's why I'm here - to explain. Like psychics - they predict the future and Nostradamus.
Sunday, 12 July 2015
Good morning readers,
Something has been bothering me a little bit. I think I have a disease. I have some symptoms like twitching and another symptom that I cant remember. I know I am dying. I had a blood test, its been a month and I am waiting for the results. I would know if I was dying, I think I am. My psychiatric doctors wont tell me anything about my blood test results. Anyway, enough of that lets go on to something more bright.
Do you believe in superheros that help poor people? You could say I fit into that category. All I do is help poor people in the city. Give them a roof, buy them food, give them cash, buy them alcohol. They're happy and I am happy. It's amazing we're happy. Thank you to all the public who help me, I owe the public big time.
See you next time readers.
Something has been bothering me a little bit. I think I have a disease. I have some symptoms like twitching and another symptom that I cant remember. I know I am dying. I had a blood test, its been a month and I am waiting for the results. I would know if I was dying, I think I am. My psychiatric doctors wont tell me anything about my blood test results. Anyway, enough of that lets go on to something more bright.
Do you believe in superheros that help poor people? You could say I fit into that category. All I do is help poor people in the city. Give them a roof, buy them food, give them cash, buy them alcohol. They're happy and I am happy. It's amazing we're happy. Thank you to all the public who help me, I owe the public big time.
See you next time readers.
Sunday, 5 July 2015
I used to have dreams that the world will be one and the world will talk Australian. If we wanted to we could have a meeting with all religions and come together and have all gods protecting all people.
For example we could all go without eating pork as an example for respect for Allah and Mohammed. When all people are united I will show miracles. I do miracles everyday.
Thank you readers.
For example we could all go without eating pork as an example for respect for Allah and Mohammed. When all people are united I will show miracles. I do miracles everyday.
Thank you readers.
Sunday, 21 June 2015
When I die and my name makes a name and my name makes money, I would like the God squad to be beneficiaries of my estate. And they distribute the money to the poor countries around the world, that's my last wishes. I would like the money to be put in the bank and the interest taken out for poor people, only the interest money. I think the God squad would do a terrific job, that's why they're called the God squad. They do a terrific job with me and other people I see, I couldn't have picked a better people to look after my money. I would like the government as well to have a say where the money goes, only the interest.
I had a good weekend, my friend passed away though, it was sad, his name is Joffer, he was a very good friend. He was staying at my house, he was a very good friend and will be surely missed, not being around 24/7. We're having a funeral for him next week.
Sunday, 31 May 2015
Drug results are coming.
Heroin is a bad drug, very bad withdrawals, but if you use speed you get no withdrawals, if you use speed you get no withdrawals off heroin. And if you use ice you have no withdrawals off speed, you use speed to get off the ice, and if you use speed for two years like I have been, you get a bit cranky. You get a bit cranky from using too much speed. And alcohol, if you take speed it stops the addiction to alcohol, that is the wonder drug, speed. 1000 people took part in this massive drug test, no one could be lying, I know the truth. Speed stops pill addictions.
My mum is overseas, she's gone to my uncle's funeral. My borthers and sisters think I'm crazy when I write this stuff, they want to change their last name. That's their business.
My weekend was good, I was hanging around with all the alcoholics and they take speed to get off the alcohol.
Thank you readers for waiting so long for the results.
Heroin is a bad drug, very bad withdrawals, but if you use speed you get no withdrawals, if you use speed you get no withdrawals off heroin. And if you use ice you have no withdrawals off speed, you use speed to get off the ice, and if you use speed for two years like I have been, you get a bit cranky. You get a bit cranky from using too much speed. And alcohol, if you take speed it stops the addiction to alcohol, that is the wonder drug, speed. 1000 people took part in this massive drug test, no one could be lying, I know the truth. Speed stops pill addictions.
My mum is overseas, she's gone to my uncle's funeral. My borthers and sisters think I'm crazy when I write this stuff, they want to change their last name. That's their business.
My weekend was good, I was hanging around with all the alcoholics and they take speed to get off the alcohol.
Thank you readers for waiting so long for the results.
Sunday, 24 May 2015
When I was youngI had run of all the jails because of Victor Pearce, thats the person who was accused of the police murders with us. His family used to run the jails. He had good morals and he was a good person who disliked child molesters. That the person who grew me up in jail.
I'm glad they're building a bigger city in Melbourne, outside of Victoria. I've been saying this for the last year and now they're doing it. I've been teaching the young african and poor children to be builders so they can show their children. By the time they grow up they will get $10000 a week and that's with overtime. It beats going to jail. They're can only be 10000 builders, 30 top chefs, 20 politicians, 40000 police officers per year. So I have to find something to do. I've already spoken to the Grollo family about getting kids jobs and sharing the jobs.
Mum has gone overseas. He brither passed away yesterday so she has gone to Greece for 4 weeks. My mothers boyfriend built the Melbourne Remand Center 25 years ago. He was the contractor for it and then I lived in it a year after he built it.
Thank you readers.
I'm glad they're building a bigger city in Melbourne, outside of Victoria. I've been saying this for the last year and now they're doing it. I've been teaching the young african and poor children to be builders so they can show their children. By the time they grow up they will get $10000 a week and that's with overtime. It beats going to jail. They're can only be 10000 builders, 30 top chefs, 20 politicians, 40000 police officers per year. So I have to find something to do. I've already spoken to the Grollo family about getting kids jobs and sharing the jobs.
Mum has gone overseas. He brither passed away yesterday so she has gone to Greece for 4 weeks. My mothers boyfriend built the Melbourne Remand Center 25 years ago. He was the contractor for it and then I lived in it a year after he built it.
Thank you readers.
Sunday, 17 May 2015
St Vincents is a big place
I got bashed by security at St Vincents hospital. They tortured me by putting me under pressure points, calling me names and letting people walk by watching me get tortured. The security gaurd were telling people who were walking by "he's on drugs". Because I have a disability people cant understand what I am saying sometimes, especially when I am distressed. It was an african and kiwi securtity gaurd. That torture I will not forget. When they die, they are all mine.
I have been giving my blog promo flyers out. It is doing alright I have a few views at the moment. We are in Australia, the so called best country in the world. I just give one flyer out per person to a person from each country and business is done. I wish it was as easy as that.
I had a good weekend. I caught up with some friends, helped some poor people.
Sunday, 10 May 2015
My thoughts
Life is mysteriously unusual. When I was young I knew I was special. My mother kept telling me you were born on Good Friday, so I was special. That's what she kept on saying and so did my aunties. Emmanuel is meant to mean gods name in the catholic religion. When I was aged 16, I researched the catholic religion heavily to check out what it meant.
I was incarcerated at the age of 17, in and out for 20 years which made it more difficult. I continued to research religion and I remember when I was a kid there was peace everywhere. I was born in 1971. What I don't understand now is why we cant get peace around the world, that's why I am here. To end the world or get peace. Emmanuel wants peace. It was silly when the twin towers was bombed, now there is war everywhere because of that.
People like the press and the newspaper and the news can only put certain things on air. If they don't like what your saying they won't put it on air. How difficult is it for me to get peace if I want peace?
That's why I am doing my blog. I am here for the non believers. I don't blame people for not beliving god. I am here more for them.
When I am 65 years old I am going to kill myself so I don't become weak. And God hates child molesters.
Sunday, 3 May 2015
Hello readers,
I went Swanston Walk McDonald's I got assaulted by another publican in front of two McDonald managers. For ten minutes they sat and watched and didn't do a thing. I was disgusted. I reckon I should sue McDonald's this time for negligence. People can't go around assaulting people in McDonald stores. I don't know who the person was who assaulted me but it was disgusting.
The Bali Nine people got executed as you know... I think Indonesia's drug laws are too hard. Execution is wrong. Just because they did what they did doesn't mean the don't go to heaven.
We have a new baby girl for the royal family. I would like to congratulate the royal family and many wishes.
I went Swanston Walk McDonald's I got assaulted by another publican in front of two McDonald managers. For ten minutes they sat and watched and didn't do a thing. I was disgusted. I reckon I should sue McDonald's this time for negligence. People can't go around assaulting people in McDonald stores. I don't know who the person was who assaulted me but it was disgusting.
The Bali Nine people got executed as you know... I think Indonesia's drug laws are too hard. Execution is wrong. Just because they did what they did doesn't mean the don't go to heaven.
We have a new baby girl for the royal family. I would like to congratulate the royal family and many wishes.
Monday, 6 April 2015
I want to chat a little bit about a couple of friends of mine. A mate of mine named Carl was in an alleyway and another mate of mine named Jason come with a gun with another mate of mine named Mick. Threatened to kill Carl if he behaved the way he behaved again. Carl said, "There's no need for this behaviour. Come on boys, we're grown men". And it was left at that - they all walked off.
Another incident: My mate named Jason was a good friend of Alphonse and this is suspicious about Alphonse's death. Some one close would have had to have killed him as we already know. Carl turned around and said, "I'm not going to die like Alphonse" so he killed Jason cuz he must have known he killed Alphonse - as we already know but Mick had nothing to do with it. There's that story straight now. Those in the know already know. Sorry about talking the way I'm talking in riddles. I'm not sure about what I can put down on the computer and what I can't but those in the know already know.
Monday, 16 March 2015
The wonder drug
Hi readers, how are youse today? Wouldn’t you want to know what I’ve been up to? The last 3-4-5 years, the last 3 years I’ve been full on doing drug experiments and alcohol with 100 participants and wouldn’t you like to know the outcome if you don’t already know with what I’ve written in the past. There’s one drug I call it ‘the wonder drug’ that can get you off cocaine, heroin, speed, ice, marijuana addictions. We’ll wait for the results in the near future when I’ve got a computer handy.
The government around the world have been waiting for this judgement. How many days it takes you to be addicted to a drug, for example can you skip a day, have heroin every second day, and still be addicted? Or cocaine, heroin, speed, and ice. $5 million has been put through this study, and 100 people have been waiting if they don’t already know the answer to this study all of them.
Thank you readers for reading my blogs and having patience. That’s all I have to say on the matter.
Monday, 9 March 2015
Mental Health
If only you knew what I have to put up with because of my blog... They put me in jail to see if I was telling the truth about what I was saying in the blogs about Walsh Street and the child molesters. It was all true and they let me go so how was I lying? I'm on that much medication it is not funny. Some people will know they have done some terrible things because some people are bad and they keep secrets.
I forgot to mention that Jeff Kennett built the Thomas Embling hospital for $100 million to make all of us comfortable.
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