Sunday, 24 May 2015

When I was youngI had run of all the jails because of Victor Pearce, thats the person who was accused of the police murders with us. His family used to run the jails. He had good morals and he was a good person who disliked child molesters. That the person who grew me up in jail.
I'm glad they're building a bigger city in Melbourne, outside of Victoria. I've been saying this for the last year and now they're doing it. I've been teaching the young african and poor children to be builders so they can show their children. By the time they grow up they will get $10000 a week and that's with overtime. It beats going to jail. They're can only be 10000 builders, 30 top chefs, 20 politicians, 40000 police officers per year. So I have to find something to do. I've already spoken to the Grollo family about getting kids jobs and sharing the jobs.

Mum has gone overseas. He brither passed away yesterday so she has gone to Greece for 4 weeks. My mothers boyfriend built the Melbourne Remand Center 25 years ago. He was the contractor for it and then I lived in it a year after he built it.

Thank you readers.

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